That's right folks; I am preggo! We found out yesterday morning & practically 24 hours later I am STILL in complete and total shock. I keep thinking this is a dream; it's surely not happening to us. Bobby has had this facial expression since yesterday:
It is just so unreal. I've only been off the pill for a couple of months now and it seems like instantly we got pregnant. It's just so amazing. God sure answered my prayers fast! I just have so many things running through my mind; making sure to eat the right things, take the right vitamins, exercise, the delivery, providing for my baby, etc., etc. I've had butterflies in my tummy ever since we found out--I'm so nervous! I feel like Bobby and I are just a couple of kids. I can't imagine being solely responsible for another life. It's just crazy... but we can do ALL things through Christ Who gives us strength. I know we'll be praying A LOT. Yesterday was a complete whirlwind. We didn't want to take a test until I'd been late at least 4 days (which would have been Monday) but come Saturday morning we just couldn't take the suspense; we had to know something. So, we went to Walgreen's, bought a 3 pack, and came home with some take-out for lunch. The whole time we were eating I was thinking about testing... I hardly ate any of my food because the anxiety was just building up. I told Bobby, "I'm just gonna do it now--I can't focus on anything else." So, I did my business and seconds later those two lines were clear as day. All I said was, "Oh my God!" Bobby heard me and said, "What?! A baby?!" He then rushed into the restroom, me still on the toilet!, and I said, "We're having a baby!" as my eyes started to fill up with tears. He hugged me (still on the toilet!) and we both cried. He said, "Get up so I can hug you!" After that we composed ourselves and immediately went to tell our folks in person. I called my sister first and woke her up (it was only 6am in Hawaii), and I asked her, "So, would you rather be called Tia or Auntie?" She couldn't believe it and was so happy. My mama cried when we told her, and then Bobby and I cried again. His mama was in complete shock and immediately called everyone on her Contact List saying, "I'm going to be a grandma!" My dad wasn't home when we told Mom, so Bobby's parents rushed back over to my folks' house to see my dad's reaction. My mom had kept the news to herself (I still can't believe it!) and as soon as we walked in I told my daddy that we had some news. He knew right away when I said that and just smiled and said "Aw!" and hugged me tight. That day was one of the happiest days of my life. God is so, so good. I cannot wait for our first OBGYN appointment in a few weeks. According to my family doctor, I'm 5 1/2 weeks along. My due date is April 16th. So far this little 'tadpole' has been very good to me. I haven't had any morning sickness or symptoms just yet. I've still been walking with Mama every morning, getting at least 3 miles in, and I plan to continue that all throughout my pregnancy. I cannot wait to meet this little one. They are my entire focus now, and my love for them is indescribable. This must be just an ounce of what God feels for me. I feel His love stronger than ever. I'll keep y'all posted and post any news regarding my pregnancy. 'Til then, hasta!