Let me preface this entry by saying that I love the Hispanic culture from the music to the food that simply melts in your mouth--it is something that I am very proud to be a part of. But it also comes with certain stereotypes. Most people assume several things about me, being that I'm Hispanic or 'Mexican' as they like to call me. Here's a little list I've come up with:
That I'm Catholic. While I have nothing against any religion of any kind, I am not nor have I ever been Catholic. I actually am pretty clueless as to what exactly to do or say at Catholic services; it's all very methodical and the thought of responding in the wrong way or kneeling at the wrong time terrifies me. I'm actually a non-denominational Christian. Some people have no idea what this means, so my best way to describe it is that I have faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, but I don't practice any particular religion. I am simply a Christian. Jesus is all I need. For this reason, I am not opposed to visiting any church belonging to any denomination because I believe that He is in my heart, and will be with me wherever I go. I like to think of it the way Dolly Parton puts it in Steel Magnolias--"God don't care which church you go to as long as you show up."
That I speak Spanish. This is something I wish I could say were true, but unfortunately I can only understand it a little. My Spanish is at a pretty elementary level. Anytime I go to the valley or even San Antonio people assume I know Spanish. It was hilarious when Bobby and I went by ourselves to Cozumel and everyone assumed we were fluent. Well, they thought he was white and that I was fluent. So they'd be rambling away and I'd just nod and smile. Bobby isn't white for those of you thinking he is, he's just extremely guero (light skinned). He has that Spanish blood. Both of my parents are bilingual, but never really spoke Spanish around me unless they were talking about something they didn't want me to know about. I think because my parents were discouraged from speaking Spanish when they were growing up, they didn't emphasize it for us (me and my sister). So, I pretty much know what I've learned in school and bits and pieces from what I hear in conversation.
That I'm a Democrat. No sir. I don't like political labels, but if I had to choose a 'side' it would be with the Republican party simply based on my conservative beliefs.
That my parents are uneducated. On the contrary, both of my parents are UT Alumni. My mother has a master's degree in education. This completely impresses me because college was definitely not something that my parents' parents encouraged them to pursue. My mother went to college despite both of her parents passing away, and despite not having any support what so ever. My mom is my hero for this reason. She is the strongest person I know, and knows what it is to persevere despite any circumstances.
That I love Mexican food. I love Tex Mex, and this is COMPLETELY different than authentic Mexican cuisine. Menudo, tripas, chicharrones, barbacoa, capirotada, molé, empanadas...all things I find completely revolting. These are authentic Mexican dishes. I'm a Taco Cabana kind of gal. I like bean and cheese nachos, chips and salsa, queso (if you're not from Texas please don't try to serve this because you'll always get it wrong), breakfast tacos...these are things I like.
That I'm gung-ho Mexican. I'm from America, folks. I'm the most patriotic person you'll ever meet. I love July 4th celebrations, I love the American flag, I love singing the Star Spangled Banner with tears running down my face; I am proud to be from this country. My grandparents weren't even born in Mexico; they were all born here. This is my home. I love margaritas and singing with mariachis just as much as the next person, but I am and will always be an American.
So, those are the most common misconceptions that I could think of off the top of my head. I hope I didn't offend anyone, but after years of people assuming such things about me, it's good to get the truth out there. I hope everyone's having a lovely Sunday with their friends and family. Adios, amigos!