As of today, it's basically just an introduction. She's wearing pull-ups, and I have been consistently taking her to the big potty with her Bubble Guppies seat on it every half hour or so. I gave her water and pretzels as a morning snack (salty so she'll drink plenty of water) and juice with lunch (bc I know she will always drink all of her juice when it's offered). The first time she sat there gladly, we sang a couple of songs, and no pee. The second time she cried and didn't want to sit there at all. The third time she went begrudgingly, but was happy to sit there and sing 6 songs, but still nothing. She ate lunch and I took her again before nap. Still nothing. Between potty trips she would go in her pull-up (which internally frustrated me to no end). she sleeps right now for nap I can see and smell that she's already peed in her pull-up. I will take her to the potty when she wakes up, and consistently after that until bedtime. It's only day one, so I'm trying to be positive.