God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Miss Molly.

I've been reading Molly Ringwald's book called 'Getting the Pretty Back' and I'm currently on Chapter 3. I just started it today and it's not too shabby. I have to admit, I didn't really have the highest expectations for this book being that it's another 'celebrity autobiography', but I do love Molly Ringwald...well, at least Molly Ringwald 20 years ago. Being that I'm obsessed with any and all movies she's ever starred in, I decided to give it a shot. I think it's cute and clever, not brilliant, but she makes some good points. For example, she's inspired me to get rid of my plethora of t-shirts. Honestly, no one wants to see me in t-shirts, they are in no way shape or form flattering. I always use the excuse that I need them for sleepwear or for workout wear but let's face it, Bobby does not want to see his lovely bride in an ugly t-shirt from 5 years ago that has holes in it. C'mon. I can at least wear a cute tank to bed, anything but a t-shirt from a taco shack. As far as workout gear, I don't need 30 t-shirts. A week's worth will do, that's why the washer/dryer were invented. Honestly, if I rid myself of the majority of these unfashionable articles I'll be more likely to take time to carefully pick out a flattering outfit that will not only please the public eye, but will make me feel better about myself. We all know that when we wear make-up, have our hair done, and wear an outfit that shows off our assets we not only look great but FEEL great. Confidence never goes out of style. So, a big thanks to Ms. Ringwald for opening my eyes and making me face my stash of tees.


  1. Oh, Lord. You bought a book by Molly Ringwald? Guuurrrrl, you crazy!

  2. haha. I wear nothing but old t-shirts to bed. Poor hubby! :)
