Disclaimer: Excuse the profane language in the chorus of this song. I didn't write it! :)
Oh, how nice it would be to be filthy stinkin' rich! I'd get pedicures and manicures regularly, facials, massages, the works. I am currently in desperate need of a pedicure and because I've led a pampered life, I don't even know how to pedicure my own toes. I've never had to before. I've never had to tweez my own eyebrows, someone waxes them for me. Currently the Bobster and I are trying to save as much as possible for our upcoming trip to Hawaii and for a down-payment on a house. Great things to save $ for, but I am not the frugal type. I need summer clothes! I need new jeans, shorts, capris, flip flops, cute tops, accessories, summer dresses, etc. I know what you're thinking, "Claudia, get a job then girl!" Well, I would, but I'm going to school full time (18 hrs this semester) and if I were working while taking on that amount of schoolwork, I wouldn't be on the Dean's List anymore. I wouldn't be making the fabulous grades I'm proud to say I'm currently making. It's nice to be able to solely concentrate on school. It's my only stress. Well that and the damn scorpions that sneak into our apartment (that's a whole separate rant). I suppose I live a pretty spiffy life. I shouldn't be complaining about having to tweez my own brows. And the Bobster is paying for my monthly pedis regardless he says. I need them to live! I guess I've got it good. No, I don't guess, I do. I'm blessed. But...I'd still love to be a billionaire! ;)
I walk around singing this song all the time... In fact, I'm singing it now! I think it's funny! :D I'd say you have some awesome things to save for, but it's hard giving up things you've grown to love. I'm pretty spoiled myself, as you know... BUT!! I can give myself a pedicure! lol I'm very proud of you for doing such a great job in school. I think you should stay focused solely on your education for as long as you can without getting a job. :)