God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Love Letter.

This morning as I checked my emails, I got so excited to see that my hubby had sent me a love letter while he had some down time at work. It brought forth so many emotions and made me feel so good inside to know that he loves me that much. I read every word anxiously awaiting the next, and loving every single thing he said. I couldn't get enough. Then, after I reread it again, I went to my daily devotionals with today's scripture and it dawned on me that I don't get as giddy or anxious to read the Word of God. I don't feel special, and I don't have those emotions. I read scripture like it's a chore. I read it to say that I did it for the day, and fulfilled a duty. That's terrible, isn't it? Just then, I felt like God was telling me, "Read my words as though I'm talking to ONLY you." I need to approach His words with that excitement and make it personal. He IS talking to me, and He (like Bobby) wants me to know how endless His love is for ME. I can't look at His promises so coldly. He wants His words to penetrate my heart and give me that same feeling I have when reading a love letter from my husband. He is my everything, so His love letters (the Bible) should make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. His love far exceeds the love between my husband and I. So, my goal is to make it personal and read those words like they're specifically meant for ME, because I AM special to Jesus. He died for me, and His love is amazing.


  1. That's right, Mi'ja. Even as much as I love you and as much as Bobby loves you, God loves you more. No one could ever love you as deeply as HE does.
    Unfortunately I'm the same way. I read scripture like it's a chore. I don't know why, and sometimes I start to think of all the things I have to do and my mind wanders off. I know it's awful, but at least we make time to read HIS Word.

    1. I think it's the devil's way to distract us from what God wants to tell us; that's why it's hard to focus because he is trying desperately to take our attention away from our defense against him.

  2. I needed that reminder- thanks:)

    1. 4 months later I am barely reading this! I had assumed no one read this blog of mine lol. I'm glad this entry helped you. :)
