God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Dates and Dads.

So, yesterday we had a little day date while Bobby's mom watched Elena for a few hours. We went to Texas Roadhouse where I got a huge patron margarita (so good) and saw Taken 2. The movie was alright, but not as good as the first. This one was more of a 'feel good' popcorn movie. I was happy that it wasn't as dramatic as the first one because otherwise it would've made me too anxious thinking about my Elena. From a movie critic's perspective, though, they could've done more with it. All in all, I liked it, and I love Liam. He's a great actor and always plays the dad role well. He reminds me of my dad. :) There were parts in the movie where he had sweet moments with his daughter, and Bobby and I would look at each other with smiles. It's so funny how we view things differently now that we have her. A silly movie gets us all emotional. We noticed in the movie that Liam's character took his daughter on a date, and I loved that. Bobby said he can't wait to have dates with his little Elena. I think that's so important because girls should know how priceless and precious they are, and how to be treated like a lady from their dads. I thought it was sweet that Bobby anxiously waits for that day. Even though his work schedule is draining and time consuming, he savors the moments with his daughter. She giggles when she sees him walk through the door, and you can tell that she loves her daddy so much. There is nothing like the bond between a daughter and her father. He will always be her hero, and he will always be the strongest man alive no matter how old he gets. That's how I view my dad; he can defeat anyone and anything in my eyes. As strong as I believe my dad to be, our spiritual Father is 100,000 times stronger and completely invincible! He gives my daddy strength. He truly can defeat anything, and all I have to do is trust Him and pray, and He'll always watch over and protect me and my loved ones. So, if I took anything from that movie, it was the important role of a father in a child's life. My sister and I are so blessed to have our dad. He has always worked so hard to give us everything, and has always been there for us to give advice, guidance, and whatever we may need. Most importantly, he's shown us what true love is by loving our mother. I thank God for blessing me so much with my parents. If I am ever told I'm a good mother, it's because of the wonderful example they've set. And I plan to teach my baby what they've taught me; compassion, understanding, endless love, faith, wisdom, and so many other things. I can't wait to help God mold my beautiful daughter into a Christian woman, but for now I'm going to enjoy these baby moments while I can. I hope everyone has a great Sunday! God bless!


  1. You and Bobby are such awesome parents. The way you reflect on your love for each other and for your child is inspiring. Bobby will be so cute taking Elena out on daddy/daughter dates. I do this with the boys... we get dressed up and everything. To see their little faces light up when it's their turn is the best thing in the world. :)

    1. That is so sweet. I love that, and I can't wait to get Elena all dolled up for her daddy dates. :) You and Sal are wonderful parents and always put your babies first. You have inspired me! I love you, friend, and I can't wait to see you here in Texas again. PS: I'm sorry I'm replying so late! I had already assumed no one visited my blog, lol.

  2. Sweetheart, your blog entry made me cry. You are a very young mom and yet you are already so wise. Wisdom comes with age and experiences, but you amaze me with your maturity and wisdom. I can see that you are already doing BIG things in your baby's little world. Elena's going to be fine.

    And Michelle, I love that you have 'date night' with your boys. You're making beautiful memories that will stay in their hearts forever.

    1. Thank you, Mrs. Mercado. I want them to feel special and carry that with them as they get older... have them learn how they should be treated and how they should treat a lady as well. :) ... but they're never allowed to date so.... Yeah. :) :)

    2. Thank you, Mama. If I'm making you proud I know I'm doing something right. :) I hope I am/will be to Elena what you are/have been to me. I love you so much!

      Lol @ Michelle. :P

  3. Oh, Claudia, your beautiful and gifted writing always makes me cry. I love you! ♥

    On a completely different note, am I the only one that has a hard time posting comments? I can't hardly read those security words!

    1. Don't worry, I have to refresh the darn thing at least 5 times before I can make it out! I hate the security words!

    2. Aw, I love you, too, sistah! I'm glad you enjoy my posts. :)
