God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

That's Just the Way It Is.

We live in a world full of self-centered & selfish people. 99.9% of things people do are somehow beneficial to themselves. You might be thinking "well DUH" but I just now realized it for myself. See, I held on to the misconception that there were selfless and genuinely charitable people in this world, but really...we are all focused on ourselves. And even if you are charitable, you're doing it to make yourself feel better--you give yourself a pat on the back for being so charitable. Even with your children, you do things to be noticed as a "good parent"; you want that recognition. I guess I'm stating the obvious here, but it pretty much sucks when you grow up and see the world for what it really is. When you're a kid, everyone's good, everyone's trustworthy, your parents are perfect, and that's it. When you become an adult you see that everyone has faults, everyone wants to be liked, everyone has insecurities--everyone's just human. In a way it's a good thing because you realize that the only One you can truly trust, Who will never be selfish, Who will never turn their back on you, Who has NO faults, Who truly does love you unconditionally is Jesus Christ. No matter how my friends are treating me, no matter what disagreement I just had with my parents, no matter what beef I have with my husband, my God is for me. He is ALWAYS in my corner. And He isn't in my corner to benefit some selfish need; He is simply there for ME. That's amazing. What an incredible gift I have! To be able to completely trust Him, just like a child. To see Him as I used to see people before the world was exposed to me. He is perfect. He has no faults. He truly is charitable without needing recognition. He just LOVES ME. So, even if this world and all the people in it turns its back on me, I will always have His love.

1 comment:

  1. Amen!! Thanks for the uplifting words.

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