God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Smarty pants.

I'm sorry, but I have to brag. I finally got my grades for the summer semester and...drumroll please...I made straight A's! Sweet Jesus I am so happy! This was by far the most difficult semester for me. 6 classes was no easy feat, and to have kept my 4.0 GPA perfectly in tact has me beaming. I can't believe I did it. Finding out the good news while surrounded by my family in Hawaii made it even better. The past few days have been so awesome. We stayed at a gorgeous beach house right by the water for 2 nights and had a blast enjoying our own secluded part of the beach. Life is definitely good. I just have two more semesters to go and then it's on to grad school, God willing. Perfect grades, in Hawaii with the people I love, revisiting my wedding site tomorrow morning,...it's hard to top. It's going to be hard going back home to our super quiet apartment just the two of us. I'm going to miss my babies running around a mile a minute, laughing and dancing around. I'm going to miss movie nights with my sissy and her hubby. I'm going to miss this WEATHER! Omg...this weather is gorgeous. I'm definitely not looking forward to 100+ heat. Good thing is, December isn't too far away, and they'll be in Austin before I know it. I've got plenty of schoolwork to keep me busy until then. I can't believe when they arrive I'll only have one more semester left of my undergrad career. Wow. I actually am doing this. All the credit goes to my sweet Jesus Christ. He is my light and strength. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for my life.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so very happy for you and SUPER PROUD. <3

  2. Sweetheart, I am so very proud of you. You did it!! Just continue to stay focused on HIM and HE will keep HIS hand upon you and all you do.
