God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I hate shots.

I've never been one to be afraid to get shots or give blood, but when it comes to my baby, shots are the enemy. My sweet girl was so good yesterday at her 4 month checkup. Even after getting 3 shots, she only cried for 5 seconds and drank her bottle right away. She was so happy when we got there, and was just smiling at the doctor and nurses. My little angel has a heart for Jesus and just makes my heart sing. I was so proud of her. It was hard seeing her dealing with the side effects from the shots yesterday, and not being able to do anything but hold her and give her baby Tylenol. Last night she had a fever and was so lethargic and out of it. I had to step away while Bobby rocked her back to sleep because her droopy eyes and half smile at me just broke my heart. She was even trying to be happy despite feeling terrible. After giving her medicine and holding her, she finally fell back to sleep. I'm happy to say that at 6:30 her fever had broken and she was acting like her normal self again. Praise You, Jesus! I kept praying and praying and the Lord healed my baby. I do not look forward to taking her again in 2 months, that's for sure. I just wish I could get the shots for her, and absorb any pain. I'm so protective over my baby girl. I don't want anything to harm her, ever. She's just so precious and innocent. Being a mother is very humbling. You realize more and more how much control you're really lacking, and how much control God has. All I can do is lift her up to Him and pray for her every day. She is His baby, and He is just trusting me with her for now. It's very hard relinquishing that control, even to Him. But you realize that you were never in control to begin with, it's always been Him. I cannot protect her from everything, but He can. My faith has grown so much since having my daughter. I give God all the glory for giving me such a perfect baby. Aside from her shots, Elena also was weighed and measured. She is now 16.2 lbs, and 25 inches long! I think my baby is going to be tall like her grandpa. And the doctor said her legs were so strong. She said they looked like swimmer's legs. :) That made Bobby so happy! lol. I guess she's going to be a little fish like her daddy. Here's an after shots pic of her. We gave her her bottle right after and she was as happy as ever.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day! God bless you all!


  1. Oh yeah - you have to maintain while baby is sick. I am so glad that I was not there when Sarahs fever got to 105 and she had a seizure. Craig had to call EMS and then me. I dont even remember driving home. I just remember getting there. She had Roseola. There is nothing like seeing your child not feel good and there isnt anything you can do about it. Im so glad she is doing much better and I agree, shots are the ENEMY!

    1. I can't even begin to imagine how you felt that day. And you're right, it is an AWFUL feeling. All we can do is pray.

  2. Hey I was reading up on cancelling your facebook account. It says that deactivating doesnt REALLY remove your account, you have to delete your account. If you dont, your pictures will still be available and all your information to the public. You have to log back into your account to reactivate it and then click this link http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=delete_account to completely remove yourself and all your information. Unless you think you may get back on Facebook - then I guess its irrelevant. Sorry for such a random post - but I just thought I would look out for your personal privacy.

    1. Oh, good to know! I just deleted it for good thanks to this! Thank you!

    2. Oh yeah - no problem. Glad I helped :)

  3. Your faith sure has grown, M'ija. A mother always puts her child's happiness and well-being ahead of her own. We just wish we could shield them from all the evils of the world. Looking at my little Elena--at this stage, all she can do with her tiny hand is hold on tightly to our index finger. She looks up at us and trusts us completely to provide everything for her. I'm sure that's how God wants us to be with HIM.

    1. That's so true, Mama. My baby is so little and she has already taught me so much.

  4. There's nothing else in this world like being a mom, huh? It's heart-wrenching and full of joy at the same time.

    1. Yup, it's definitely an emotional roller-coaster ride. I wish I could just press the pause button.
